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Render pages

Alosaur can support any html renderer. All you need to do is customize and implement the template renderer.


In the example applications you can find: Dejs, Handlebars, Angular, React, Eta

An example of a Handlebars setup:

// Handlebars...// Basedir pathconst viewPath = `${Deno.cwd()}/examples/handlebars/views`;
// Create Handlebars renderconst handle = new Handlebars();
app.useViewRender({    type: 'handlebars',    basePath: viewPath,    getBody: async (path: string, model: any, config: ViewRenderConfig) => await handle.renderView(path, model),});

Handlebars support custom config, more about handlebars for deno:

new Handlebars(  {    baseDir: viewPath,    extname: ".hbs",    layoutsDir: "layouts/",    partialsDir: "partials/",    defaultLayout: "main",    helpers: undefined,    compilerOptions: undefined,  },);